MPs standing down


This section provides some specific advice for MPs who have decided to stand down at the General Election.

For guidance on what you can claim during dissolution and the winding-up period and the budget you should use, please visit The dissolution period and MPs leaving Parliament.

Before the election, IPSA will meet with all MPs who have announced they are standing down to explain the next steps in more detail and start making arrangements for winding up your parliamentary business.

to arrange a meeting, please call 020 7811 6400 or email

All guidance contained within the General Election section is subject to change.


As soon as you know you are leaving Parliament, please contact the Members’ HR Advice Service at 020 7219 2080 or to discuss redundancy arrangements for your staff, and any other HR or staffing issues.

Redundancy calculation spreadsheets are prepared by IPSA and provided by Members’ HR Advice Service to each MP standing down.

The House of Commons has produced detailed guidance on the redundancy process.

Please note that once the election has been called, you are not permitted to make contractual changes relating to your existing staff, including increasing or decreasing their salaries. After Polling Day, you are also not permitted to employ any new staff members. You may extend a staff member’s fixed-term contract if required.

For more information, visit Making your staff redundant.

You will continue to receive your salary up to and including polling day.

This will include any London Area Living Payment (LALP) or additional LALP (for outer London MPs).

If you chair a Select Committee or are a member of the Panel of Chairs, your salary for these activities will stop on the date of dissolution.

On the last working day of the month, your salary will be paid. IPSA will send your final payslip and P45 (containing details of your earnings and tax paid during the year) to your home address.

Previously, the rules stated that standing-down MPs were not eligible to receive a winding-up payment except at snap elections.

Due to the repeal of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act and following a public consultation, IPSA has made a change to the Scheme rules to state that all standing down MPs are eligible, from the next General Election, to receive a winding-up payment.

The winding-up payment is equal to the sum of four months’ salary (using the basic MP salary only), net of tax and National Insurance contributions.  It is non-pensionable. 

You will be advised individually of your pension entitlements and options by the administrators of the Parliamentary Pension Scheme – Buck.

You can contact them directly at 0330 123 0634 or by email at

You can also speak to the pensions team in the House of Commons by calling 020 7219 2106 or by email at

As of 1 April 2023, funding for MPs’ security measures has transferred from IPSA to the Parliamentary Security Department (PSD) at the House of Commons.

For all enquiries and claims regarding security measures for MPs or funding from the central security budget, please contact the Members’ Security Support Services (MSSS):

"Routine" security and safety costs may continue to be claimed from the accommodation and office costs budget.

For further information on security, please refer to the dissolution guidance published by the House of Commons.

During your Standing Down Meeting, you will be asked to provide a personal email address so we can contact you if needed once you have lost access to the parliamentary network.

Such contact could, for example, be to complete any final actions required in winding up your parliamentary affairs or to ensure we can notify you if a Freedom of Information Request is made about your data.

Please also ensure your home address is up-to-date on IPSA Online, as this will be where documents such as your final payslip and P45 will be sent.

For more information about what you will need to do during the winding-up process, please visit MPs leaving Parliament.

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